UTI – Urinary Tract Infection : – If one feels Strong and frequent urge to urinate Pain or burning sensation Cloudy or bloody urine Urine has strong odor Drink lots of water Don’t hold urine for long periods of time Keep the area clean…
Conjunctivitis : It can cause Redness in the eyes Gritty feeling in one or both eyes Itchiness or tearing Discharge that forms a crust during night which may prevent your eyes to open in the morning It’s contagious. Don’t touch your eyes with your…
Low Blood Pressure or Hypotension : – One might feel Dizziness or lightheadedness or Nausea Cold or pale skin Rapid or Swallow breathing Blurred Vision Fatigue or Weak and rapid pulse Increase Salt intake May drink lots of non alcoholic fluids Quit or reduce…
Bones builds up the skeletal system of your body. Osteoporosis might make your bones weak. Get your calcium checked today. #DrLalPathLabs #MedShubh Book Now Dr Lal PathLabs
Regular Checkups can alert you at the right time… Any lumps in the breast, bloody discharge from the nipples or change of shape could be an alarming cause. Get it checked today.
Sleep Deprivation : It can cause # Memory problems # Feeling Depressed # Weakening of immune system # Increase in perception of pain # Fatigue or can’t stop yawning # Your skin looses its lustre Try to go to sleep at the same time…
Ankle sprains : Treating your sprained ankle properly may prevent chronic pain. One can follow RICE guidelines: Rest – Don’t put weight on injured area. Ice – Put a bag of ice on the injured area for 10 minutes at a time. Compress – you…
It can cause – Redness in the eyes – Gritty feeling in one or both eyes – Itchiness or tearing – Discharge that forms a crust during night which may prevent your eyes to open in the morning It’s contagious. Don’t touch your eyes with…
Free 4thDOCTORS CAMP – AntrikshPariwar& Med Shubh Healthcare brings you a panel of following esteemed Doctors: Gynaecologist – Dr.RashmiSaxena, MD General Physician – Dr. Sharad Teotia, MD Pediatrician – Dr.Gurpreet Singh, MBBS, DNB (Ped.), MRCPCH UK Dentist – Dr Pankaj Malhotra, MDS Dietician – Ms.InduOlak,…
Free 3rd DOCTORS CAMP – Winter session – MedShubh Pharmacy brings you a panel of following esteemed Doctors: Gynaecologist – Dr.RashmiSaxena, MD General Physician – Dr.Amit Agarwal, MD Pediatrician – Dr.Gurpreet Singh, MBBS, DNB (Ped.), MRCPCH UK Dentist – Dr Pankaj Malhotra, MDS Psychologist…